Company Overview

  • Company name: ars investment Inc.
  • President and CEO: Satoshi Abe (Real Estate Agent)
  • Location: 6-16-29 Seijo, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0066
  • Official Website:
  • Inquiries:
  • Business Activities: (1) Investment in and fostering of companies (2)Domestic and foreign real estate investment (3) Domestic and foreign real estate leasing (4) Investment in restaurants (5) Investment in and sale of art and artifacts (6) Sale and import/export of alcoholic beverages (7) Educational support, guidance and consulting services

Our ” Design Management”, such as utilizing artistic and right-brain type thinking, is a management approach adopted by leading companies around the world.

According to the “Design Management” Declaration by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Patent Office, “Design Management” is defined as a management approach that utilizes design, and emphasizes the importance of “Design Management” and the problems faced by Japanese managers when compared to leading companies around the world.

Design is at the center of the strategies of the world’s leading companies, large and small. In Japan, however, executives do not recognize design as an effective management tool, which is a weakness in a globally competitive environment.”

Design is an activity that expresses the values a company holds important and the will to realize them. It is not just about making the appearance of each product more attractive.

It is about ensuring that every experience a customer experiences with a company conveys that value and will, and that this is conveyed as a consistent message, creating a brand value that customers believe no other company can replace.

Furthermore, design is a force for innovation. Why? Because design is also the process of discovering needs that people are unaware of and turning them into business.

It eliminates assumptions on the part of the supplier and observes the target without influencing it. The potential needs discovered in this way are matched with the company’s values and will.

By going back to the starting point of what they want to do and for whom, they can envision the commercialization of their business without being bound by their existing business.

Sustainable Management” is expected to continue as one of the global trends in the future. As environmental and social issues on a global scale become more apparent, there is an increasing demand for “sustainable management” by companies.

The development of international frameworks such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement is also supporting the importance of “sustainable management,” and companies that engage in sustainable management tend to be more willing to invest in and purchase the services and products they provide.

In general, it is said that ” Scientific and Left-brain thinking” is essential for sustainable business, because it requires setting and implementing specific goals and strategies based on a number of accurate data and excellent scientific findings. For example, efforts by companies to become carbon neutral by measuring their own CO2 emissions and setting reduction targets are also part of sustainable management.

However, for example, in order to achieve carbon neutrality, various initiatives such as energy efficiency and the introduction of renewable energy are necessary, but because of the huge costs involved in introducing and improving the technologies and equipment for these initiatives, it is never easy to achieve these initiatives in all companies and regions.

If sustainable products continue to be produced, we must efficiently use and reuse the raw materials and energy required, but there are limits to how much we can do so. In order to build a sustainable business model, it is practically necessary to invest enormous financial and human resources.

Furthermore, it is difficult to distinguish oneself from other companies, because numerous domestic and international companies have taken it for granted to practice sustainable management, which has become a common practice in recent years, as generally recommended.

Companies also face questions about what actions to take to achieve “sustainable management” are truly sustainable due to uncertainties and ambiguities in the definitions of sustainability of business models and products.

Creating differences through ” Sustainable Management” can be done not only through left-brain thinking, but also through a right-brain approach. art can change people’s awareness and values in the pursuit of a sustainable society. It is meaningless for a company to promote initiatives if consumers do not agree with them.

In addition, art can generate creative ideas. Therefore, art can contribute to the development of sustainable products and business models, and can support the promotion of innovation to achieve sustainable management without being bound by conventional methods.

Furthermore, art can help companies develop unique and differentiated approaches to sustainable management. They can create unique designs and branding to provide products and services that are more deeply valued by customers. art and cultural promotional activities and events can raise awareness and generate interest in social issues using ideas and approaches outside of conventional frameworks. and arouse interest in social issues.

These approaches use right-brain thinking and can create corporate differentiation. As mentioned above, art and sustainable management are complementary to each other and are important elements in achieving a sustainable society.

By maximizing not only the generally adopted ” Sustainable Management,” which sets goals and action guidelines based on the “backcasting method,” but also “Sustainable Management,” which emphasizes artistic and right-brain creativity, which is our greatest strength, we will strive for a more effective and prosperous society in Japan and in the international community. We will continue to implement effective initiatives to realize a more affluent society in Japan and in the international community.

Satoshi Abe, President and CEO ars investment Inc.
